...::: ShIvEr :::...

So I look in your direction
But you pay me no attention, do you?
I know you don't listen to me
'Cause you say you see straight through me, don't you?

But on and on
From the moment I wake, to the moment I sleep
I'll be there by your side; just you try and stop me
I'll be waitin' in line, just to see if you care

Did you want me to change?
But I'd change for you
And I want you to know that you'll always get your way
I wanted to say…

Don't you shiver
Sing it loud and clear
I'll always be waiting for you

So you know how much I need you
But you never even see me, do you?
And is this my final chance of getting you?

And on and on
From the moment I wake, to the moment I sleep
I'll be there by your side; just you try and stop me
I'll be waiting in line, just to see if you care, if you care

Did you want me to change?
Well I'd change for you
And I want you to know that you'll always get your way
I wanted to say…

Don't you shiver
Don't you shiver
Sing it loud and clear
I'll always be waitin' for you

Yeah I'll always be waiting for you
Yeah I'll always be waiting for you
Yeah I'll always be waiting for you, for you
I will always be waiting…

And it's you I see but you don't see me
And it's you I hear so loud and so clear
I sing it loud and clear
And I'll always be waiting for you

So I look in your direction
But you pay me no attention
And you know how much I need you
But you never even seen me

Una rola de ColdPlay.

Y me recuerda tanto aquella tarde sentados en una banca del parque cerca de la facultad. Como la lluvia comenzo a mojar nuestros rostros y nos besamos por primera vez sin estar necesariamente con una goto de algo etilico en el cuerpo.

Tenia el iPod. Él un audifono y yo otro. Y bueno yo amo a ColdPlay y en ese preciso momento, cuando nuestros labios se separaron solo puede escuchar el coro ...

Don't you shiver????

Y si, sabia que ambos temblabamos o nos estremeciamos???.

Hoy esa canción me ha perseguido mas que nunca. Entre a la oficina, prendi la compu y deje la musica en aleatorio y sin comenzo "Shiver". Me subi al camión, se acabo la bateria del iPod (si, si, soy muy despistada y no me di cuenta en el trabajo y llevaba poca bateria) y el chico que estaba a mi lado tenia su reproductor y pude escuchar a todo volumen "Shiver". Llegue a mi casa vino un vecino a preguntarme si le podia prestar mi cd´s de ColdPlay.

¿Son señales divinas?


¿Debo hablarle?
¿Debo buscarlo?


¿Debo dejar de alucinar barato?


SusyBlog ha dicho que…
casualidades de la vida? naah no creo...

Debes buscarlo? si tienes ganas de hacerlo hazlo!
Debes hablarle? quieres escucharlo? hablale no creo que se pierda nada al contrario, si lo extrañas pues lo escuchas jeje y lo ves...

si nos pasamos la vida esperando señales mágicas, ahí nos encontraran jejeejej...

saludos !!!!

y gracias por tu felicitación :)

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